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Is Ark dying ?

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So is ark dying or dead?


In my eyes its dying, Due to the toxic players and the long long long list of issues in the game. You have people that cant fight fair needing to DDOS or undermap just to name a few. And there not the only Issues that game itself is broken at the core really. the lag is amazing the fact we have dinos starving why they have max food in them losing dinos through the ground or in the ark itself.


Losing your level 113 character with so many imprinted dinos (sure they will give you the 100 levels back but all that work you just lose to ther bug in the game).

Can Wild Card fix some of the issues? we will have to wait and see as most was here from alpha and are still here. What about toxic players? the cheaters the dupers the undermapers?

Well wild card has started to work on them on PC but I fear its to little to late, even more so for us that its already happend to more than once. The game is just not fun we cant even go for a little raid no without someone crying to a megas tribe thats will just DDOS the crap out of the server and offline you no fair fights anymore.


Sure there will be a lot of people that still love the game and good for you Im happy some are still enjoying it, I have just lost another 6 members who just cant put up with the bugs glitches and cheaters in the game anymore. One dude lost 3 characters in the same day no word of a lie 3!!! Due to a server he went to do the tek cave on getting roledback by a group claming to be SC. He farmed up a lot of mats to get into that fight and lost everything.


 I would love to hear other players point of views, good or bad.

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I would say it is pretty dead. To my knowledge and what I have heard is that their forums are literally inactive. I have also heard that foreign chat-bots are posting random stuff on their forums. There has also been rumors that many of the "Active Players" in game are bots too... I had high hopes for this game and it was really fun (still kinda is), but so far things have been going down hill. Now, in regards to people sending flood attacks to have a advantage of the game is 100% wrong and definitely a federal crime (in the U.S.). There will always be hackers and glitches but it's gotten to the point where the developers (in my opinion) kinda stopped caring.

Good post OP 👍

Kind Regards,



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ARK was one of the most complete early access games, when it first hit early access. It was absolutely playable and had a lot of content untypical for a early access game at that time.

Servers are not unstable. Actually they are rock stable.  Unofficials rarely ever crash and if they do, it's typically very fast fixed by WC. The problem is the official server network, which is overloaded with exploiters, searching for ways to bring down servers and the lack of WC dealing with this people. They should shut down the official servers and let the community run all servers. The game would go in a very different and much more positive direction. As you would have servers that are properly administrated and supported. A lot of his criticism only applies to officials.

I also don't think that ARK is a buggy mess and it never was. There are a lot of bugs and glitches, but it's more than playable. For a game like ARK it's not to bad. It could be better and i don't understand why some bugs are just not getting fixed, but it's still in a good state overall.

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