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Are games going stale?

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It's a thought I've had on my mind for a while really. Over the last few years at least, I've been getting a feeling that games have been getting just more and more stale with an air of obviousness about them, Maybe it's because I've been playing games for awhile and I just get the general formula of things but it seems most new games out nowadays are simply open-world games, first-person shooters or yet another 'make your own choice' adventure style game. I haven't actually felt something that made me sit up since I first played GTA V all those years ago and since then, nothing has really 'caught' me. RDR2 was the last game that really game me a glimmer of that feeling but other than that it's been a sad sad time.


Do you think games are getting stale? Or am I just a big misery guts? :D

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  • 10 months later...

All the games you mention are online with no narrative (except WOW obvs). Try picking a game with a narrative you like the sound of and do that, you might surprise yourself. 

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  • 1 month later...

It's not just you. I would wager most gamers feel that way.


Working in gaming news, I see a lot of the same game over and over again, and the whole industry is basically becoming a mish-mash of the same multiplayer cut-scene experience. The more corporate the industry becomes, the less creativity a triple-A developer is allowed to have.


In fact, I'd say the more gaming studios embrace "online services", the worse mainstream gaming is going to get. Multiplayer is making game development lazy, and big publishers are seeing it as an excuse to disregard story all together. 'online services' has become a 'get-out-of-playtesting-free' card, and an excuse for studios to release broken software for full-price. Developers aren't allowed to take risks, and are -instead- encouraged to just copy ideas from competitors. Hardly any new IPs announced by any major publisher in 2019, because new IP's aren't a 'safe bet' anymore. 


Take Black Ops 4 for example: It wasn't enough for Activision to just release the same generic brown-ish grey first-person shooter it's been releasing since 2007: Now, they're cutting out the cut scenes in the story campaign, and released the game unfinished, then had the audacity to release everything else in the game behind paywalls and lootboxes, after they said they wouldn't.


Games don't just 'feel' stale; they objectively are, because triple-A gaming is less about the gaming and more about the money. Pretty soon, all games are going to be just as generic and empty as the Google Play Store, only you'll be paying $60 up for the privledge of sitting through ads, and buying lootboxes. 🤦

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  • 3 months later...

Not for me personally. I do think the idea that we have to grind a lot more for games is getting a bit boring. The addiction of battle passes for a lot of these online games is very annoying in my opinion. But other than that, most games are still fun.


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On 6/21/2020 at 11:46 AM, kingcool52 said:

Not for me personally. I do think the idea that we have to grind a lot more for games is getting a bit boring. The addiction of battle passes for a lot of these online games is very annoying in my opinion. But other than that, most games are still fun.


I get why they did grinding back in the day, but everyone is pretty busy these days and should be taken out or reduced.

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On 6/25/2020 at 7:54 AM, Demon_skeith said:


I get why they did grinding back in the day, but everyone is pretty busy these days and should be taken out or reduced.

100%. Modern Warfare is very bad for this as well since you can't even progress through the Battle Pass tiers easily. You need to play every day or you will not finish it in time


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