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For those that know a bit about me, you definitely have seen or heard me mention this game a lot and I will continue to do so. It's a great game and if you are a fan of FPS games like CSGO, then Valorant will also be something that you enjoy. I'll admit, I wasn't really a fan of FPS games and didn't really play any of them (except a few CSGO games a while back) until Valorant came out. I already played League of Legends and thought it would be worth a try to check out this game by Riot Games. I will also say, at first I didn't really know much about the game and to be honest I still don't. But, I have improved a lot and enjoy learning the new agents and the strategy involved behind it.


So I will run through the agents that I enjoy playing. There are not so many that I play but I'll just give a review of them and talk about my perspectives on them and the play style involved with them.



Raze: This is my favourite one at the moment and I always try and select this one where I can. A very aggressive agent, Raze is equipped with blast packs, grenades and a boom bot which do a huge amount of damage on impact. Blast packs can be used also to propel yourself in the air or if you're really skilled, to fly across (watch the YouTuber Flights to see what I mean). The ultimate is a rocket launcher which does a massive amount of damage within the blast radius. If you are an aggressive player that is mostly on the attack, then this is the one for you!



Reyna: An agent that I have started to play but is quite difficult in a way. If you are good with getting kills, then this champion will be easy for you as two abilities (which are OP) are based on kills. Everytime you get a kill, you get a soul orb which you can choose whether to rapidly heal yourself (if you are maxed health then you get temporary overheal for up to 50 more) or go intangible. Her ultimate is even more busted as it gives increased fire and reload speed with automatic overheal and her being able to go invisible when getting a kill. A really busted champion if played correctly. 


These are the two champions which I have the most knowledge about but I am playing more such as Sova and Cypher. Overall, I strongly recommend this game to any FPS gamer!

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  • Management Team

Personally I never played valorant but has an interesting design, good idea of what shooters can be and a highly anticipated match for a shooter as competitive like csgo so, compilations will be made, great art design, a solid fps foundation. Yet hear that falls short in promises such his anti-cheat even with his intrusive vanguard it can be easily noticed cheaters among teams, and not ending the match as it boldly claims. Perked advantage seem much more prominent than other game even with both teams even having the same peanut feel. Yet what about the gameplay how does it feel while playing around with different rounds of gaming that can be depending very much on abilities way too much. So in-game purchases are kinda expensive for what is worth and heard.



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  • 1 year later...

Never played Valorant, but I've seen proffesional games on Twitch. I'm more of a CSGO player, so this looks for me like "Fortnite vs PUBG". Fortnite is more for children and PUBG for competitive people.

So this is similar on Valorant vs CSGO. I see Valorant as more child game - although its competitive scene is killing it on Twitch.

In any event, I'll always play CSGO.

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  • 2 months later...

If you like PC gaming and if you use Windows PC, this is the game for you. It is action first person shooter game, free to play, But you might want to make in-game purchases. They say they will soon release the game on mobile. I am playing this game these days.

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