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League of Legends

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League of Legends is a multiplayer MOBA that has been around for ages now. It's a pretty good game once you get used to the champions, mechanics, roles, runes and maps. However, if you are new to these type of games then it may take some time to get used to the techniques League of Legends require. You can play 5v5 on the Summoners Rift map (Normal, Draft or Ranked) which is the most common and popular mode. Ranked is split into Solo/Duo and Flex (parties upto 5 people excluding 4). You can also play ARAM which is a much shorter game as the map is one lane called Howling Abyss with random champions. There was also the 3v3 mode for normal and ranked called Twisted Treeline but that's gone now.


There are 5 key roles based on the lanes. Top Lane, Mid Lane, Jungle, Bot Lane (ADC) and Support. Top, Mid and Bot lane roles are to win the lane through farming and kills and push top destroy towers. They may also choose to help other lanes too. The Jungler is supposed to clear the the camps and monsters and usually makes the call to start taking dragons which if slain give the team buffs such as health regen, mana regen etc. The Support will stick with the ADC at first, helping them through attacking, healing, shielding etc. but as the game progresses, they will fluctuate between other lanes and team fights and supporting the team in other ways.


A huge array of champions exist and are selected based on the role you choose. There are far too many to name so I will just put the ones that I would play in each lane (based on my mains and not based on the META):


Top - Darius: Darius is one of my favourite champions to play and he is known to be quite aggressive particularly in the early game. He is an Attack Damage Champion which means he relies on his auto attacks when damaging. When landing 5 stacks through abilities and auto attacks, Darius does additional damage and causes his target to bleed even more. These prove to be quite lethal when he has his 5 stacks and attacks more than 1 player as this moves towards to them too.



Mid - Annie: I don't really play this champ anymore and I haven't really seen her played a lot either but she can be extremely overpowered if left to get ahead. She is an Ability Power Champion and relies on her abilities for damage. She is one of the easiest champions to play and when using abilities, she can gain upto 4 stacks and on the 4th, she can stun which if played with her W can be amazing in team fights. Her CC is great. Her ultimate is a bear called Tibbers that attacks on behalf of Annie and lasts for a certain amount of time or until he is killed.


Lee Sin counters, stats & builds - League of Legends

Jungle - Lee Sin: Arguably quite complicated to play but has potential for some great ganks with the fact that he can ward hop with his W to make up extra distance. A difference between this champ is that he runs on energy instead of mana so his costs work a bit differently. 


Jhin Champie Icon : JhinMains

ADC - Jhin: If played and built correctly, he has the potential to 1 shot players. He has some long range abilities such as his W and Ultimate and his Q bounces can do a hell of a lot of damage to players and in minion clears if they are timed so that they kill each one (because the damage rises slightly exponentially when it bounces 4 times). 


Blitzcrank | Wiki | League Of Legends Official Amino

Support - Blitzcrank: My main champion that I have the most mastery points on. He is a great support that has his main hook ability that grabs and if aimed at a target, it can mean an instant death if it is at the right place.


Builds can vary as this is dependent on how well you do in lane and who you are against. There are obviously some core items for each champion but the rest is completely situational and you can find many builds online or experiment in game with the items in the shop. 

Runes work in a similar way too as in, it depends on who you are against and the whole make of the team (only really works in Draft and Ranked as you get to see the team during pre-game and can adjust). 

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  • 3 years later...

I've not played League of Legends yet but I do play MOBA named Mobile Legends Bang Bang since the past 6-7 years. It's very much similar to League of Legends I believe. I may try playing League of Legends once but I'm sure I won't be dedicatedly playing it since I'm in love with MLBB. :P


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